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Therapy for Work-related Stress

It is becoming more and more common for people to come to therapy due to issues they are experiencing in the workplace. This includes high workloads or being bullied by a manager or colleagues. When we spend so much of our time in a toxic working environment, it can mean we come home from work feeling exhausted, so instead of spending the evening with loved ones, or doing activities we find enjoying or relaxing, we do nothing. Often this leads to us spending all day at work, and all evening thinking about work, and doing very little else. This means work becomes all-consuming and we become isolated and withdrawn, which can lead to developing depression.


When I offer therapy for work-related stress, we will consider any practical options you have to try and improve your situation, as well as therapeutic techniques such as time management and boundaries around the work-place. We cannot always change the work situation but we might be able to manage our time around it, to help recharge our batteries at the end of the work day, which will help us feel stronger to deal with work.

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